Fusionex runs partnership on Malaysia’s first virtual fitness platform


KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 17 -- Multi-award-winning AI and Big Data technology leader, Fusionex was selected as the strategic tech partner for Aisportz, Malaysia’s first virtual fitness platform.

According to a statement, Fusionex will power Aisportz’s digital platform and enhance the user experience.

“This virtual fitness platform is evidence of a brilliant confluence between the power of technology and the spirit of sports. As the technology partner, I believe that digital transformation will make health activities more engaging, fun and connected,” said Fusionex Group Chief Executive Officer, Datuk Seri Ivan Teh.

Bringing national badminton icon, Datuk Wira Lee Chong Wei as pioneer ambassador athlete, Aisportz will offer a series of fitness challenges for its members to perform and upload the results onto the website.

Besides the fitness aspect, Airsportz also collaborated with Royal Selangor to create exclusive pewter Challenge Medals that can only be obtained by completing specific fitness challenges.

Through the power of digital innovation, the platform will be able to overcome technical barriers and enable sports enthusiasts, both beginners and experts, to connect virtually and engage in physical activities.

With a vision to give users the same experience they would enjoy in person, this partnership will shape a unique fitness journey for all platform users.



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